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Main reason for joining:
Use the BMY methodology with clients or colleagues
BMY Workshop Experience:
I haven't registered for or taken Tim's workshop or Master Class
The high growth programme has 80 coaches, so we decided not to introduce it until we trialled it.
The trial shows that it only really works best when a company needs to make significant change. We don't find particularly useful for most companies as it tells them nothing new.
We've found the same for our personal development programme "Success Factor".
So, for us it's situations where change needs to happen. Not a universal tool.
Best wishes, Peter
Peter Gaunt
Hello Doug
I'm based in Manchester. Winning Pitch is currently completing the Northwest's High Growth Programme - look at www.highgrowthprogramme.co.uk
Hi Doug,
I use the BMG canvas all the time in my business brokerage work here in Texas and see the BMY approach an appropriate extension to working with individuals instead of businesses. I am experimenting with what I can do locally once the book is published. Right now I am thinking that workshops might be the best venue.
The niche is working with business executives seeking their own business but I do have an outlet for those who just want a new career elsewhere. I am nearing completion of the prototype of a website revolving around this market and using BMY workshops. There is a page at http://www.executive-advocate.com/career-engagement.html where I offer to put people on a notification list when the book is published. This is all I can think of as a "call to action" today and I'm still not settled how to promote interest in that. Still playing with ideas.
If workshops are the answer, then workshop materials need to be developed. I'm thinking this is a 4th quarter project once the book has been set in stone. I have thought this community might be a good place for area workshop facilitators to develop and share ideas for those materials.
Looking forward to working further with you!