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The completely revised edition of Business Model You is now shipping from Amazon!

Our response to health and economic crises is to keep doing what we’ve been doing for the past ten years: giving people an effective method for reinventing how they work—as individuals and as teams. Learn more at

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The companion to Business Model You, entitled Business Models for Teams, has been published in ten different languages! Sign up to receive a free, 63-page full-color sample, plus all the featured tools!

Sushma Panikker, community member and senior learning & development manager at the 4,000 + employee Emaar Hospitality Group, talked with us in detail about her Master Class training. Watch Sushma's terrific video

Mark Smith reports that Plymouth University in the UK will use Business Model You® as the basis for all forthcoming graduate employability and executive development work going forward.

Business Model You was ranked #1 business startup book by the U.K.'s The Independent.


Business Model You(Personal)

你好!我的家人,我计划在5月进行一个Business Model You(personal),每天6小时,课程设计,你能给我一些可行的建议或材料吗?谢谢大家~model  [ˈmɒd(ə)l]  详细X基本翻译n. 模型;模式;(机器等的)型号;模范,典型;模特儿;样本,范例;(小说中人物或地点的)原型;(著名设计师设计的)款式v. (为艺术家)当模特儿;模特儿展示(服装);(用黏土、木头等)做……的模型,塑造;(用计算机)做出(情景、事件)的模型;使仿效,使模仿adj.…

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2 Replies · Reply by Bruce Liu May 28, 2023

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Buy the Book Now!

The all-new edition of Business Model You is now shipping from Amazon, and French and Chinese language editions are on the way! As with the first edition, we're aiming to have 20 different languages in print!

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Welcome to the Business Model You® registered member community! Here you'll find 12,500 + professionals from 80+ nations using the Personal Business Model methodology to reinvent work.

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